BLACKROLL® offers people of all ages and sports levels the possibility to improve their flexibility, balance, and strength by doing simple exercises and applying self massage. They are the optimal addition to classical treatment methods, such as physiotherapy, massage, Rolfing or osteotherapy.
Overuse, inflammation or a surgical operation can change the fascial tissue and lead to hardening, immobility and pain. With BLACKROLL® one can simply and fast work on the musculature, improving mobility and relief pain. With BLACKROLL® products, you actively work on the release of adhesions and optimisation of recovery processes. Besides a wide variety of self massage products, BLACKROLL® aims to grow its collection with additional smart and easy to use products aiming to improve your overall physical wellbeing.

Wide range of applications
Improves flexibility, mobility and performance of the muscles.
Prevents muscle pain and typical injuries like muscle damage, occurring from overuse or repetitive movement.
Targeted recovery of the muscles and improvement of blood circulation.
Improves poor posture through balance work.
BLACKROLL® allows for multifunctional use: workout and roll-out.
Actively enhances your fitness, performance and wellbeing, and avoids pain, such as typical (sport-related) injuries.
In 2007, BLACKROLL® was developed in Germany by Jürgen Dürr. Two years later, in 2009, BLACKROLL® was awarded the prestigious Physio prize for the “product with the greatest range of benefits for its users”. Experts in the sports- and medical sector quickly came to learn about the wide scope of benefits that BLACKROLL® offered to treat muscle pain and fascia issues.
As of 2012, BLACKROLL® firmly established itself on the market, and got well supported and recommended by leaders in the health - sports and therapeutic industry. In the autumn of 2013 the Jürgen Dürr restructured the company BLACKROLL® in order to enable and facilitate further growth. The shareholder company BLACKROLL AG was founded and located its headquarter office in Bottighofen, Switzerland.

Best Quality
- Hecho en Alemania.
- 100% reciclable.
- 100% libre de productos químicos.
- De acuerdo con la gestión de calidad DIN ISO 9001: 2000.
- Certificado con el sello AGR (excluye producto "BLACKR0LL® BLOCK").
- Robusto y sostenible.
- Fácil de limpiar.
- Estable al calor (min. 110 ° C).
The musculature functions because its being held together by an essential but often overlooked tissue: the fasciae. This connective tissue surrounds and permeates every muscle, bone, nerve and organ; simply said it’s the stuff that keeps us together.
Fascia is comparable to a three-dimensional full body suit, which forms a network of supporting structures. Research proves that the fasciae have a great influence on our posture, quality of movement, pain perception, and muscles. These are the elements of our body on which self myofascial release, or self massage, has an influence to prevent muscle pain and improve the recovery ability of muscles.
The fascia theme is increasingly gaining ground within the realm of scientific research and is supported by many doctors and therapists.

Your physical health is what matters most to us. That is why we produce tools that directly aim to improve this.
Now and in the future we strive to continuously improve and innovate our products as well as our whole company.
We encourage you to try out the BLACKROLL® products and experience how this will positively influence your fitness, performance and general well being.
Let’s get rolling!
BLACKROLL® offers people of all ages and sports levels the possibility to improve their flexibility, balance, and strength. In general we ask you to bear in mind that all BLACKROLL® products are used at one's own risk. Please find some information about contraindications here.
We recommend you to get advised by a physiotherapist, manual therapist, massage or medical specialist when in doubt or when suffering from strong pain after self-massage or recurring injuries.
The materials used in BLACKROLL® products are harmless in all aspects. PP5 (polypropylene) is used mainly for foodstuff, (food) packaging and the medical industry. BLACKROLL® products are therefore safe to use.

The most important objective for us at BLACKROLL® is to contribute to your health and wellbeing by creating high quality products. Besides your health we care much for the health of our natural environment.
Most of our products like the rolls, DUOBALLS, BALLS and MINI are therefore produced in Germany in an intelligent and energy efficient manner. And they are certified by the AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V.) for back-friendly products - www.agr-ev.de.