Dr. hum. biol. Robert Schleip
"I have to confess that I firstly underestimated the efficacy of myofascial self treatments with BLACKROLL® products. Today I suppose that a rather big part of the documented successes can be accredited to the concept of self-efficacy. The patient is not passively lying down waiting for his or her treatment but is put into an active role. In many cases this is very important in terms of a sustainable success."

Dr. hum. biol. Robert Schleip
"I have to confess that I firstly underestimated the efficacy of myofascial self treatments with BLACKROLL® products. Today I suppose that a rather big part of the documented successes can be accredited to the concept of self-efficacy. The patient is not passively lying down waiting for his or her treatment but is put into an active role. In many cases this is very important in terms of a sustainable success."

Today there are three systematic reviews focused on foam rolling. These were published in short succession over the last few months. Other than with single case studies systematic reviews compare already published studies and are therefore able to give an overview as well as interpret the singular results. This happens by use of a transparent code. In the hierarchic medical system which is based on hard evidence these studies are granted a huge relevance and reliability.
Beardsley, Skarabot 2015: Effects of self-myofascial release: A systematic review (=hohes Evidenz-Niveau), International Journal of Sports and Physio Therapy2015 Apr; 10(2): 203–212.
"SMFR appears to have a range of potentially valuable effects for both athletes and the general population, including increasing flexibility and enhancing recovery."Schroeder et al. 2015: Is Self Myofascial Release an Effective Preexercise and Recovery Strategy? A Literature Review. Curr Sports Med Reports 14(3):2 00-208. Cheatham et al. 2015: The effect of self-myofascial release using a foam roll or roller massager on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance: A systematic review. Int J Sports Phys Ther 10(6): 827-38.
All three systematic reviews came to the same three conclusions:
1.) Mobility: Foam rolling with for example a BLACKROLL® does support mobility of joints – at least for a short period. The effects affiliated with foam rolling are comparable with the effects of classic stretching, done over a similar amount of minutes.
2.) Athletic performances: Other than classic stretching, foam rolling for example with a BLACKROLL® does not cause negative repercussions in terms of athletic performances right after the exercises. It even does not affect performances rooted in high speed strength and quickness.
3.) Regeneration: Foam rolling with for example a BLACKROLL® stimulates regeneration after an intense athletic strain increasing and fastening regenerative processes. The so called muscle ache (recently also called fascia ache) can be reduced and shortened by myofascial self treatments.
Today there are three systematic reviews focused on foam rolling. These were published in short succession over the last few months. Other than with single case studies systematic reviews compare already published studies and are therefore able to give an overview as well as interpret the singular results. This happens by use of a transparent code. In the hierarchic medical system which is based on hard evidence these studies are granted a huge relevance and reliability.
Beardsley, Skarabot 2015: Effects of self-myofascial release: A systematic review (=hohes Evidenz-Niveau), International Journal of Sports and Physio Therapy2015 Apr; 10(2): 203–212.
"SMFR appears to have a range of potentially valuable effects for both athletes and the general population, including increasing flexibility and enhancing recovery."Schroeder et al. 2015: Is Self Myofascial Release an Effective Preexercise and Recovery Strategy? A Literature Review. Curr Sports Med Reports 14(3):2 00-208. Cheatham et al. 2015: The effect of self-myofascial release using a foam roll or roller massager on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance: A systematic review. Int J Sports Phys Ther 10(6): 827-38.
All three systematic reviews came to the same three conclusions:
1.) Mobility: Foam rolling with for example a BLACKROLL® does support mobility of joints – at least for a short period. The effects affiliated with foam rolling are comparable with the effects of classic stretching, done over a similar amount of minutes.
2.) Athletic performances: Other than classic stretching, foam rolling for example with a BLACKROLL® does not cause negative repercussions in terms of athletic performances right after the exercises. It even does not affect performances rooted in high speed strength and quickness.
3.) Regeneration: Foam rolling with for example a BLACKROLL® stimulates regeneration after an intense athletic strain increasing and fastening regenerative processes. The so called muscle ache (recently also called fascia ache) can be reduced and shortened by myofascial self treatments.